What is Google ingress?

Google Ingress is an augmented reality (AR) mobile game developed and published by Niantic, in collaboration with Google. The game was released for Android devices on November 15, 2012, and for iOS devices on July 14, 2014. The game requires players to physically travel to real-world locations to collect "Exotic Matter" (XM), a mysterious energy source that has begun to seep into our world through "Portals". These Portals are located at publicly accessible places like monuments, sculptures, landmarks, and murals.

Players can choose to join one of two factions - the "Enlightened", who seek to harness XM for peaceful purposes, or the "Resistance", who view XM as a threat to humanity. As players collect more XM, they gain levels, which in turn gives them access to more powerful in-game items. The game also features a unique "Scanner" mode, which allows players to see nearby Portals, XM, and other players' location and faction affiliation.

Google Ingress has been praised for its innovative gameplay, which encourages players to get out and explore the world around them. The game has also been criticized for its heavy use of battery power, as well as its potential to distract players from real-world dangers.

What is ingress used for?

Ingress is a location-based, augmented-reality game developed by Niantic. It was released for Android devices on December 14, 2013, and for iOS on July 14, 2014. The game requires players to explore the world and capture "portals" from the rival "faction". It is free-to-play, with a paid subscription available that provides additional in-game benefits. Ingress has been credited with promoting physical activity, exploration, and social interaction, as well as helping players learn about historical landmarks and sites of cultural importance.

In Ingress, players control "portals" by establishing "links" between them. Portals are located at public artworks, landmarks, and monuments, and can be captured by anyone. Once captured, a portal can be used by one team to establish a link to another portal; the more links that are established between two portals, the more "mind units" (a form of in-game currency) that team gains. In order to establish a link, players must physically travel to the location of the two portals, and use their mobile device to hack the portal. This requires the player to be within range of the portal, and to have the Ingress app open on their mobile device. The game is designed to encourage players to explore their surroundings, and to discover new places. Links can be established between any two portals that are within range of each other, and there is no limit to the number of links that can be established between two portals. However, each link can only be established by one team, and each team can only have a maximum of eight links between any two portals.

In order to establish a link between two portals, a player must first "capture" the portal. This is done by hacking the portal with their mobile device. Once a portal has been captured, it can be used by that team to establish a link to another portal. The number of mind units that a team gains from establishing a link is determined by the number of links that the team has between the two portals. The more links that are established, the more mind units that are gained. In order to capture a portal, a player must be within range of the portal, and must have the Ingress app open on their mobile device. The player will then see a "capture" button appear on their screen, which they can tap to begin the capture process. Once the button is tapped, the player will have a limited amount of time to hack the portal. If the player is successful in hacking the portal, they will be awarded with a certain number of mind units, and the portal will be captured. If the player is unsuccessful in hacking the portal, they will not be awarded with any mind units, and the portal will remain under the control of the other team.

In order to establish a link between two portals, a player must first "capture" the portal. This is done by hacking the portal with their mobile device. Once a portal has been captured, it can be used by that team to establish a link to another portal. The number of mind units that a team gains from establishing a link is determined by the number of links that the team has between the two portals. The more links that are established, the more mind units that are gained. In order to capture a portal, a player must be within range of the portal, and must have the Ingress app open on their mobile device. The player will then see a "capture" button appear on their screen, which they can tap to begin the capture process. Once the button is tapped, the player will have a limited amount of time to hack the portal. If the player is successful in hacking the portal, they will be awarded with a certain number of mind units, and the portal will be captured. If the player is unsuccessful in hacking the portal, they will not be awarded with any mind units, and the portal will remain under the control of the other team.

What is difference between ingress and service?

An ingress is a collection of rules that allow inbound connections to reach the cluster services. It can be configured to give services externally-reachable URLs, load balance traffic, terminate SSL, offer name based virtual hosting etc.

A Service is an abstraction which defines a logical set of Pods and a policy by which to access them - sometimes called a micro-service. The set of Pods targeted by a Service is (usually) determined by a LabelSelector.

Pods targeted by a Service are automatically assigned an IP address (from a cluster-internal DNS name), so they can be referred to by other Pods in the same cluster using this DNS name.

What is difference between ingress and load balancer?

An ingress is a network gateway that provides entrance to a network. A load balancer is a device that distributes traffic across a network.

What is Web ingress?

In computing, ingress refers to data entering a network. Egress refers to data exiting the network. Web ingress specifically refers to data entering a web server.

There are a few different ways that data can enter a web server. One way is for users to directly connect to the server using a web browser. Another way is for data to be transferred to the server via FTP or SSH.

Web ingress can also refer to the act of uploading data to a web server. This is often done using FTP or HTTP.

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